Double Shot of SWAGGER!

Hoo Boy! What could possibly be better than a Jimmie Ray Swagger and the Fussy Eaters show? Two Jimmie Ray Swagger and the Fussy Eaters shows, that’s what!

Jimmie Ray Swagger & the Fussy Eaters at the Cave
Jimmie Ray Swagger & the Fussy Eaters at the Cave

First, on Friday, June 14th Jimmie and the boys are gonna be celebrating Flag Day at the Cave in Chapel Hill, NC.




Jimmie Ray Swagger and the Fussy Eaters on the City Tap bench
Jimmie Ray Swagger & the Fussy Eaters at City Tap

Then, the very next day, the JRS&tFE experience is coming to City Tap in Pittsboro, NC.






Be a hero and be there for both!