More Swagger video!

You can never have too much Swagger in your life!

Here’s more live Jimmie Ray Swagger & the Fussy Eaters action from Fishing Creek:

Carrborro Music Festival Headliners – Again!

Hoo Boy! The Carrborro Music Festival sure does love them some Jimmie Ray Swagger and the Fussy Eaters! In fact, we’re headlining their festival again this year on Sunday, October 2nd – which is why they got us in their promo video three, count ’em, three times:

More Merch!

Hoo Boy! We got two new additions to the ever-expanding catalog of Swagwear!

First up, new Swagger T-shirts:

new Jimmie Ray Swagger shirts
*NEW* Jimmie Ray Swagger T-shirts!

And that’s not all! We also have Jimmie Hats:

Jimmie Hats!
Gotta wear a Jimmie Hat!

Get yours at all Jimmie Ray Swagger and the Fussy Eaters performances and at all truly fine retailers worldwide!